Vacuutec Packaging Ltd-Manufacturing Factory
2013 - 2018 Sapirim Industrial Park , Sderot, IL
Vacuuted Packagin LTD
Design Development
8.8 acre
Nimrod Meir Levi, Rotem Horesh Levi
Head office, logistic factory and warehouse
In this project we were requested to design a manufacturing, warehouse and head office for Vaccutec Packaging Ltd.The initial design act derived from the conditions of the given lot, the site sits between two different street levels which allow creating on the lower level all the operating function, while the main office entrance will be located at the upper street level. Moreover, placing the building in the north-south axis, allowing passive ventilation across the building.In addition, In order to reduce the electrical energy and the use of artificial light during the day it's necessary to understand the climate of the area and the advantage of using solar energy. This understanding reflected both in the solar roof on the top of the warehouse and by the skylights along the production line. Additionally the building has been designed with a steel skeleton in order to have efficiency and savings in the construction process.Another principle that guided us was how we can improve the production process and create an efficient scheme for enabling utilization of production time and storage space. This scheme is also reflected in the building performance where each function, such as a main warehouse, production floor and offices, get a spatial and material expression.
Related Drawing